What to Look for When Hiring a Dedicated Android Developer

What to Look for When Hiring a Dedicated Android Developer

No matter the skill level, any Android app developer freelancing must have several technical skills mastered before they can begin advertising themselves and getting hired. A junior android developer will have several basic qualifications. They will have three years of experience or less, and they will have experience building only simple apps. If you’re looking for programming assistants, then hire a junior developer. The main downside of bidding platforms is the absence of any qualification triage. Anyone can register there — and green juniors use this opportunity to gain experience before starting bigger projects.

This mainland from the Southern hemisphere can boast about a bit lower rates — $110 per hour of Android developer work. This mainland from Southern hemisphere can boast about a bit lower rates — $110 per hour of Android developer work. If there were any bugs found by the developer himself or by QA engineers, Android developer should fix everything to make an app free of bugs and any other malfunctions. There are a few main tasks that Android programmer should perform. Your developer should always be ready to learn and grow with time.

Hiring the right expert for Android development can save you a lot of time and money, and you may find them suitable for future projects as well. The hiring process can be challenging, but if you avoid the pitfalls mentioned here, you will find the right one quicker. This and more great features exist in Google Play, and hiring Android developers that know this platform well can definitely help you to build a more successful application. It may be hard to predict your candidate’s level of product design expertise in the hiring process, but you can ask questions regarding product behavior to get a rough estimate.

Everyone can upload their Android app to the app store — and it will instantly be available for download. Contrariwise, all Apple applications should pass a few lengthy procedures before getting to the online availability stage. Even if your phone is unable to catch a signal, native apps will go on working. Whatever it is, you should notice whether your candidate is updating you as you expected.

Android SDK

When you have a brilliant idea for a mobile app for Android platform, your next task is to hire a high-skilled Android developer. But you may face many challenges before you find Android developer you need since there are lots of nuances and particularities you should know about to hire Android developers. Hurry up to read a detailed hiring guide to find all answers to your questions regarding Android app development. Every Android developer brings a different set of skills and attributes to your app development process. However, there are some skills you just need an app developer to have to ensure a quality end product. The ideal Android developer must understand the intricacies of android app development and be able to relate with the concept of technology agnosticism.

What should you know when hiring an Android developer

Moreover, Android is one of those up-and-coming mobile operating systems that a company hopes to obtain in order to reach the public. On the other hand, the most challenging task of the android app is its development. With the global accessibility of the internet, the world has become more interconnected. I am sure you don’t want to hire Android app developer who still hadn’t any experience in the mobile app development. So you need to find an experienced company that has a large portfolio of implemented apps and websites.

If you are hiring for in-house app development, you can offer them a reasonable salary and enter into an employment contract. Although they do their job during usual business hours, they may work overtime in the evening, on weekends, or even during holidays to finish urgent tasks or large projects. Excellent communication skills are crucial for almost every profession because they help employees interact with others and convey information clearly. Top Android developers require strong verbal and written communication abilities to interact with clients and teammates. Developers also need soft skills to complement their software development knowledge and work effectively. Android developers often have college degrees in software development or similar fields and require no experience to take on an entry-level role.

Q5.What are Some of the Drawbacks of the Android Operating System?

Developing a market-oriented and business-oriented app takes knowledge and expertise. With that in mind, there are a few questions that will help you get started. For example, your app’s goal, how it will work, and its potential audience or customers. Once you answer these questions, you’ll be able to figure out exactly what you need from your developer to bring your app to life.

Xamarin is a cross-platform app development platform that allows developers to build and deploy apps for iOS, Android, and Windows. Xamarin has been around since 2008 and has seen significant growth over the years. Now that you know what your perfect android developer does and how much to pay, it’s time to start posting job openings. A senior Android app developer freelancer has been around the block and worked on a decent amount of complex apps.

Besides the general reasons we’ve already explained, many smaller arguments can convince startup owners that Android app development makes sense. Here’s a short but comprehensive list of such arguments — they will surely help you decide whether you need to crank up the business heat and bet on Android. All the mentioned abilities should help them roll out updates and perform troubleshooting much easier. Thanks to built-in security functions and chips, native applications are much safer than cross-platform ones. Here are few points you should pay attention to during that time. If you lose this file, you cannot update your app, so a professional Android app developer should know to save this file in a safe place.

Your ideal Android developer will have multiple, proudly-owned apps. As a bonus step, consider checking if they’ve updated their apps recently, or if they’re currently working on side projects. And working with an Android developer who loves what they’re doing should be your top priority.


They create programs that provide users with excellent performance and quality. We use Agile development methodology for mobile app development since it is a more beneficial way to build your app. You see the result after each stage of functionality is implemented, and you can always change your requirements for each stage.

  • Also, make sure that the developer has experience working in multiple technologies and similar projects.
  • You can test their coding skills by presenting them to mock programming scenarios.
  • So, anyone with a knowledge of the right coding languages and tools can use it.
  • The rates of your developers will also directly depend on the project’s complexity.
  • Though you may find this to be enough to offer them the job, you should still engage them in discussions first.
  • They always need to be professional and focus on the team and project benefits putting their personal issues aside.

So, a blend of skills is required to shape up a perfect and error-free mobile application. However, finding the ideal android developer for the specific requirements of your business can be a difficult task, especially if you are not a tech-savvy person. An Android developer designs applications for the Android ecosystem – simple, right? They should be able to work with data systems, stay up to date on the latest in coding developments, and they should be able to work in a team. The tech skills and software proficiency of the developers in question also plays an important role in price calculations. Java, Android SDK, and Android Studio IDE are the pillars of Android development.

Backend skills

So please read the entire blog to get the complete information and get your answers. We know how important and challenging it is to hire android app developers that suit your project requirements well. The Android SDK consists of Java code modules that allow developers to access mobile device functionalities such as the camera and accelerometer.

What should you know when hiring an Android developer

Of course, the development process is like a roller-coaster ride, and, naturally, the team will bump on unexpected issues anytime. But with a set action plan and deadline, the team can track the progress. Using external data sources and APIs by Android developers is also quite common to produce more effective and responsive apps. They need excellent critical thinking skills to comprehend and use these resources in their project.

The 6 Factors You Should Consider Before Hiring an Android App Developer

But if they do need more time for any reason, they should inform their clients well before the deadline. Though you may find this to be enough to offer them the job, you should still engage them in discussions first. Ask them questions about Android development and their past experiences. For example, you can use the Java coding algorithms test to examine Android developers’ Java abilities. This test analyzes candidates’ ability to write simple algorithms in Java.

Android developer rate

When you start to find freelance android app developers, it’s essential to keep in mind that racing to the bottom with your price quotes damage your final product. Plan to hire the correct level of developer for the level of experience your project demands. In this blog, we have mentioned almost every question you should ask the android app developers for hire to identify their knowledge and skill. The questions include some basic, intermediate and advanced level questions, which you can choose according to the qualification and skill claimed by the android developers.

Android SDK or Software Development Kit

Currently, practically every program manages massive data, so database management has become critical. The synchronization of data between local storage and remote databases is required to utilize the program while it is offline. It is a how to hire top android developer good option but here you should control everything by yourself and you need to be skilled at the management processes. That is why you should feel comfortable in cooperation with a specific company, so the human factor cannot be removed.

Android Software Development Kit is the main multipurpose tool for the development of mobile apps for Android. Android SDK has a large number of integrated functional tools that make it possible to test and debug source code, verify the compatibility of the app with different versions of https://globalcloudteam.com/ OS. In fact, Android SDK has all the necessary features and tools for the development of many apps. SDK is constantly being updated and a developer can find new tools right there. For example, our developers can build some apps without using any external tools, Android SDK can be enough.

Always assess the ability of the developer before assigning any tasks to them. With the right hiring strategy and a clear understanding of what to look for in an Android developer, you can easily find the perfect candidate to bring your Android project to life. You can save a tonne of time and money by working with the proper Android developer, and you could find them suited for more projects in the future. Because of this, you should feel at ease working with a certain business, since It cannot eliminate the human element. Depending on whether you intend to work with a freelancer or a business, you should get in touch with the project manager or an Android developer directly. Make sure that your conversation flows easily and naturally; this is crucial.